July 23, 2012


Smoo·kie [sah-mook-ee] noun a s'more made with homemade chocolate chip cookies.
And yes, just for the record you still put Hershey's milk chocolate on a smookie. The chocolate chips in the cookie do not replace that part of a s'more, if ya know what I mean.
In order to have a smookie, you must first start with a cookie. I got my chocolate chip recipe here. Ever since I was about twelve years old my mom has always made the same chocolate chip cookie recipe. I was in the mood to try something new. To me these cookies were great but they were definitely a different caliber of cookie than the traditional ones my mom makes.
My mom's are soft and stay soft. These bake for a much longer time and are definitely stiffer especially by the day after you make them. My mom's cookies are more round and less flat. The one's pictured above are much flatter with chocolate chip mountains, as we like to call them. We do not sprinkle my mom's with salt. The sea salt sprinkled in the perfect amount on these cookies enhances all of the sweet brown sugary chocolatey flavor of the cookie. Granted there may have been a few cookies where I may have sprinkled on a wee bit more salt than I should have. So if you do make this recipe for your smookies, be careful. A small amount does a magical thing. P.S. My mom's cookies will always be my favorite.

The beauty is you don't have to use this recipe! You can use your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. But if you'd like to use the recipe I used you can find the recipe here at Life Made Simple. If you would like to use my mom's traditional chocolate chip cookies (not pictured) you can find that recipe here.
To make a smookie, roast some marshmallows over the fire (these would be fantastic with homemade marshmallows). Place some Hershey's Milk Chocolate on the bottom of one cookie, place roasted marshmallow on top and sandwich with another cookie, like so:

WARNING: You may find yourself in a food coma after eating only one smookie OR you may find that you scarf many down uncontrollably. 

I am not sure who originally came up with this idea, or I would give credit where credit is due. However, I do know this was not my original idea and that whoever created these was a sweet genius (and no, I am not talking about the Food Network show). 

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